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Teachers are Moovolous!

Putting words down on paper has always seemed to come naturally to me. Rhyming especially, though I'm not sure why, but true interest in writing all started during my sophomore year in English class.  I had one of my favorite teachers of all time, Ms. San Jones. She was so interesting and fun.  She was the teacher that lit that "spark" in me. You know that teacher. The one that provides that special and significant encouragement. The one that provides a part of the mold that shapes a little part of the road you travel down in life.  All she simply did was praise one of my creative writing assignments.  It was titled The Shady Pastures Buttercup Corporation. She gave me an A+ and wrote that it was "absolutely MOOVOLOUS", because for some reason it was a story about cattle too...hummm...was I forshadowing my future with that one?!  

That was when I first realized I might have a talent for writing. It has taken me long enough to put that talent into action, but I'm so grateful for Ms. Jones and I will never forget her! In fact, I will have to give praise to all of my English teachers in both jr. high and high school.  They were all simply the best. Absolutely MOOVOLOUS!

Shady Pastures King and Queen (yes even mom illustrated for me then!)
Ms. Jones has since passed on, but I so wish she was still here so that I could tell her what an impact she has made on my life.  It wasn't just that one grade on that one paper.  She was just very memorable and impressionable.  I only hope my children find their "spark" and can be greatly influenced by one of their teachers, just like I was. 

Thank you Ms. Jones, Ms. Estlack, Ms. Vargas, Ms. Rogers, Ms. Heatly and Ms. Hughes!  Y'all were all absolutely MOOVOLOUS too!



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